Today was my very first day thrown back into the life of study. After a years break I decided it was time to finally get back on the horse and give it a go, partially because I was bored and also because I had a sudden panic where it felt like I was going now where with my life and I needed to do something accomplishing.
The course? Certificate IV Applied Fashion Design and Technology.
I was a little afraid to begin with, as I am with most things..typically anything new. Because you find yourself in an entirely different environment, where you know nothing, and usually no one. It can be very daunting. Lucky for me at orientation there was a girl I had been introduced to through friends before. One crisis averted. I must say this course was a pinch to the purse, with the below book itself costing $75 (rounded up by 5c) however with everything I'll learn and gain from it I'm sure it will make up for it, even though my diet will now consist of toast.
In the week lead up to my very first day (today) my main thought was on food. And what I was going to pack in my non existent lunch box. I'd always had my dad to pack my lunch, from primary school to high school, as sad as that may sound. I thought back to my younger days in an attempt recreate that feeling of fun and excitement. I use to be a goldmine for food in primary school, mainly to my best friend. I had tiny teddies, roll ups, dunkaroos..the lot. So this is where my lunchspiration evolved. The only healthy thing I packed was a banana.

Bobbins for the industrial sewing machines
My new fabric scissors, an investment for me at $40. Worth it though because they cut like a dream!
My attempt at pattern drawing, obviously I still have a lot to learn.
My incredibly expensive pattern blocks.
And my kit so far. Soon to be added are numerous folders!
My first day is done, and I already feel I am on the path to learning more than I ever imagined. My hopes for this course are that it sets me in a positive direction and helps me to figure out what career path I'm taking, and even if I'm as muddled as I am now that's ok because well..I did something. I'm hoping to continue posting about my course to share with anyone willing to read about my studies or for anyone who is interested but unsure if this is for them. Stay tuned!